Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Million Bucks for a 4-year-old request?

A Million Bucks for a 4-year-old request?: "

An image of a TSA screener inspecting a servic...

Image via Wikipedia

From 9 News in Denver

When 9Wants to Know got a tip that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) might be placing some injured screeners in other government jobs and paying them two government salaries, the investigative unit decided to check it out by filing a (FOIA) request asking about injuries and new job placements.

Four years later, 9NEWS got a reply. The TSA said to provide the information requested, it “will have to perform a manual review of all 59,083 claim records,” which will take approximately “29,541 hours” and cost $1,181,660. The letter did not say if it would take another four years to make the copies.

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Filed under: 1. Records that matter, 6. Overcoming denials "