Opposition against dual role of Data Protection Commissioner (Malta)
Tuesday, 15th July 2008
Opposition against dual role of Data Protection Commissioner
The word "document" is being widened to signify any document on which any kind or amount of information is available.
The opposition is totally against the Information and Data Protection Commissioner assuming the added responsibility of safeguarding the Freedom of Information Act, Parliament was told yesterday.
Speaking on the second reading of the Bill, opposition spokesman for education and the media Evarist Bartolo said that the ideal guardian of the Act was the Ombudsman. But whoever was given this responsibility should be independent and not be accountable to the Prime Minister or any minister, but directly responsible to Parliament.
He also suggested that the Freedom of Information Act should be enshrined in the Constitution.
Mr Bartolo said that in its present form the Bill was weak and during committee stage the opposition would be doing its utmost to improve it.
In various countries around the world, where this law had been passed, one noted that it was often just the first step to a more transparent government. In other neighbouring countries, he said, the mentality of secrecy was still very strong.
No reference whatsoever was made to the public interest, and this meant the process would be arbitrary and limited.
Full Article: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20080715/local/opposition-against-dual-role-of-data-protection-commissioner