Thursday, March 24, 2011

Austin Wrestles With E-Mail and FOI


Austin Wrestles With E-Mail and FOI
Published on The Art of Access | shared via feedly

The Austin American Statesman had an interesting piece on e-mail access:

Worried that Austin City Council members may not have turned over all of their emails, officials are bringing in city technology experts as they make a new attempt at complying with the state's open records law.

Information technology workers are compiling the records — emails among council members and City Manager Marc Ott during the past 13 months — requested by the American-Statesman and other media, amid allegations that the city's first release of records was incomplete.

The new effort has already triggered the release of more emails from Mayor Lee Leffingwell, who last week made public 75 more correspondences, some of which were from an "automatic archiving system," officials said.


Filed under: 4. Finding records, 7. Electronic records Tagged: e-mails, Texas