Metro - Freedom of information policy becomes election issue
Image by The Stakhanovite Twins via Flickr
Paul McLeod
14 May 2009 12:15
Freedom of information advocates saw good signs Wednesday, as quicker, cheaper access to information became an election campaign issue for opposition parties.
Liberal Leader Stephen McNeil promised to cut the fee for a Freedom of Information request from $5, down from $5. He also said his government would review the time it takes to fulfill a request.
"It's about accountability," McNeil said. "It's about allowing ordinary Nova Scotians to have access to the information that they should be entitled to."
The Right to Know Coalition has been lobbying for such moves for years.
"That's a good start," said coalition president Darce Fardy.
"I was very pleased with that. And that they might do something to address waiting times, which is something that we've also had a problem with. Sometimes people are waiting 18 months."
Metro Halifax