Monday, March 02, 2009

U.S. one of the more open governments

Monday, February 2, 2009

U.S. one of the more open governments


The United States is not alone when it comes to keeping the inner workings of its government secret - a practice that President Obama is attempting to change.

The International Budget Partnership (IBP), a Washington-based research group, said an overwhelming majority of governments withhold more information from their citizens than the United States - especially when it comes to money.

Eighty percent of the world's governments fail to provide adequate and timely budget information for the public to hold them accountable, according to a recent report by the group.

IBP's Open Budget Survey 2008 found that nearly half of 85 countries studied provide minimal information to the public and that only five, including the United States, provide extensive information.

"Transparency is critical for citizens to hold their government to account and is fundamental to the public´s trust in government," said Nancy Boswell, president of Transparency International USA, a global organization fighting corruption.


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