How Sunlight Foundation Achieves Government Transparency - Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco, CA - 04.02.09 - Ellen S. Miller
Image by justgrimes via Flickr
Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco, CA
Ellen S. Miller
Ellen S. Miller is the co-founder and Executive Director of the Sunlight Foundation, a Washington-based, non-partisan non-profit dedicated to using the power of the Internet to catalyze greater government openness and transparency.
She is the founder of two prominent Washington-based organizations in the field of money and politics – the Center for Responsive Politics and Public Campaign – and a nationally recognized expert on government transparency, campaign finance and ethics issues.
Ms. Miller is a well-recognized public speaker, commentator, and writer on the issues of money, politics, and power. Her experience as a Washington advocate for more than 35 years spans the worlds of public interest advocacy, grass roots activism and journalism. In addition to her more than two decades of work on the issue of money in politics, Ms. Miller served as Deputy Director of Campaign for America's Future, where she directed its Project for an Accountable Congress, the publisher of and a senior fellow at The American Prospect.
She spent nearly a decade working on Capitol Hill. She blogs regularly at the Sunlight Foundation site and has written frequently for, The Hill, The American Prospect, and The Nation. She was named by WIRED Magazine in the 2008 Smart List as one of the "15 People the Next President Should Listen To", and appeared in Fast Company's February 2009 "Most Influential Women in Technology."