Tuesday, July 07, 2009

New South Wales Government needs to release quarterly figures on energe reliability

Government needs to release quarterly figures on energey reliability

Posted 07/07/2009 at 01:00 PM by StreetCorner
NSW Business Chamber Western Sydney has called on the NSW Government to release quarterly figures on the reliability of electricity supply, following the release of FOI data today that revealed nearly 10,000 power blackouts across NSW over the past year.

"Reliable energy supply is essential to all businesses – from coffee shops and restaurants to manufacturing plants and accounting firms. A loss of supply always has a business cost", said John Pearson, NSW Business Chamber Western Sydney Regional Manager.

"Business understands that blackouts will happen due to events such as storms and accidents. However, it is well known that energy infrastructure has been run down in NSW and the energy companies are currently playing catch-up".

Mr Pearson has called on the NSW Energy Minister, Ian Macdonald, to release quarterly data providing detailed information on power reliability, and for that data to include a regional breakdown of power reliability.

"It is not good enough for the NSW Government to keep power users in the dark about the reliability data. The Premier should ensure that this information is published quarterly on the NSW Government website.