Right to Know Coalition of Nova Scotia (RTKNS) is a non-profit organization. Through advocacy and education, RTKNS encourages the use and development of freedom-of-information legislation to foster a better informed and more politically active electorate in Nova Scotia and to improve the quality of public and private decision making in the province.
Superior Court Judge Jean-François de Grandpré ruled last week that journalists may not make public information obtained as a result of a breach of confidentiality. The decision showed little understanding of how information sometimes reaches the public.
The ruling did not address the issue of the higher public good that should prevail in cases where a government or anyone else attempts to hide information that the public should have.
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8:40 a.m.
"Without the FOI, the establishment would have been able to hide even more than it does now. Instead of making it harder for people to get information from public bodies on how they are run, it should be made easier."-- Norwich North UK MP Ian Gibson (Oct 2006) on raising FOI fees
If the public is "to participate more [in government] than just via the ballot box, then they need proper access to information"-- Joanne Caddy, (Nov 2001), "Why citizens are central to good governance", OECD Observer,